There are several jobs around the house that many people attempt to do themselves, from changing a light bulb to replacing patio stones, but one of the more common is also one that’s fraught with potential errors. This is wallpapering, a task that many people feel they can do themselves, but also one that leaves the homeowner open to a range of possible errors. If you’re determined to do your own wallpapering, and there’s nothing wrong with that, here are a few tips to help you achieve the finest results.
Head to the DIY store before you buy
Choosing many products online instead of in the store can be far more convenient and a great deal quicker, but when it comes to buying wallpaper it’s generally better to go to the shop before the purchase. This is because you get a far better idea of the way your chosen wallpaper both looks and feels. And colours can change dramatically from online images to the real thing: that deep red you saw on a website may be less deep on the shelves of the store.
Check the batch numbers as well
It’s also worth noting that batch numbers are extremely important when choosing wallpaper. If you see differing batch numbers on the shelf, it’s a good idea to avoid them. Choose numbers that match, because the difference between them could be substantial, especially in more complex wallpaper patterns. Needless to say, if you were buying online there would be no guarantee of having batch numbers that correspond to one another.
Think colour, think pattern, but think more than that, too
Most homeowners have a very clear idea about how they are going to redecorate a room. They know the look they are going for, and they are keen to exercise their creative juices to get exactly that. This is of course perfectly right, but you also need to consider the practicality of your wallpaper choices. For example, you may want your kitchen to have a particular look, but make sure you choose materials that can withstand the stains, and that are easy to clean.
Make sure the surfaces are properly prepared
The well-known phrase ‘papering over the cracks’ should never be an option when you’re decorating a room. Walls need to be prepared properly well before you start applying the paste, and that means thoroughly cleaning and sanding. Be as meticulous as you can be with this stage, because it’s just as important as hanging the paper. If there are any cracks on the wall, at some point they will almost certainly start to appear.
Think about the timeline
The order in which you carry out the various tasks when redecorating is hugely important. For example, if you’re planning on painting the skirting boards and door frames this should be done before you paper the walls. Therefore, it’s a good idea to sit down with a pen and paper in advance of the job itself, and to make a chronological list of everything you plan to do. Being as organised as possible will definitely help you attain better results.
Use lining paper for the smoothest finishes
If you’re decorating a room in which you need the very best finish, one that really catches the eye, lining paper will usually be a must-have. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to hang lining paper horizontally rather than vertically, although this isn’t necessarily an easy process. If you’re in any doubt about the difficulty of such a task, you could always engage the services of painting and decorating specialists from Tayside Construction. We have been providing top quality services to home and business owners for many years, so get in touch today at 01738 505 888 or via email at [email protected] to find out more. We hope that you will contact the team soon.